By joining the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE), you will receive many benefits, like:
-Free membership to AWAKE and reduced prices on all AWAKE workshops
-Jenö Ádám Scholarship to be used towards Kodaly studies in the US and around the world.
-The Kodaly Envoy, a quarterly journal of articles and reviews.
-Reduced registration for the OAKE national conference.
-National Conference Choirs for your students to participate in.
-Online directory of all OAKE members.
Click here to join OAKE or here to renew your membership!

There are currently 34 Kodály certification programs in the US that are endorsed by OAKE, including one right here in Wisconsin! Lakeland University in Plymouth WI, offers a summer Kodály certification program, as well as a summer graduate program with Kodály emphasis. Click to learn more about Lakeland's Kodály Summer Program.
For more information about other certification programs that are offered around the US, click here.